Brain Gym® is a method designated to enhance cognitive, mental, emotional and physical performance. Despite, a substantial empirical success the mode of action of Brain gym remains obscure. Recent Neurophysiologic studies in the field of Brain plasticity suggest a surprising novel explanation for the role of the balancing process, the core of the Brain Gym® program. In this review I shall present some of the emerging scientific data for the mode of action of the balancing process.
Results of recent scientific investigations demonstrate a link between physical movements and development of new neural networks. Other findings indicate activation of specific functional regions of the brain through visual experience of activities associated with these centers.
Based on these findings, it is proposed that performing Brain Gym® movements, in synchronization with visualization and simulation of a specific activity one wishes to improve, induces favorable changes in the brain that facilitate the improvement of that activity.
Techniques for Improving Personal Performance: there is increasing number of techniques utilizing physical movements for the enhancement of subjective physical and mental performance. Some of these techniques are briefly reviewed next.
The DORE Program
DORE is a personalized physical exercise program aimed at minimizing or completely eliminating Cerebellar Developmental Delay. Underlying the DORE approach is the assumption that the cerebellum is the region of the brain responsible for integrating sensory information that allows efficient learning to take place. Hence, the DORE physical exercise program is designed to stimulate the cerebellum to create new neural pathways in order to accelerate data processing and in doing so, to improve learning, language, emotional and motor skills.
Implementation of the DORE program includes practitioner's consultation and testing followed by personalized physical exercises program. As part of this program, the patient’s progress is constantly monitored and analyzed in order to determine subsequent set of assigned exercises.
A typical program extends for approximately one year. Exercises are performed twice daily for up to ten minutes per session.